
IIAIS 2020 materials

This page contains all material from the speaker sessions and panel discussions that were held at IIAIS 2020.

No. Speaker Sessions and Panel Discussions Day


1 Supporting National Economy Through Artificial Intelligence Towards Indonesia 4.0 ( Airlangga Hartanto, 10 November 2020 ) 1 Download
2 The Strategic Roles of AI for Building National Competitiveness in the Era of Digital Disruption ( Rhenald Kasali, 10 November 2020 ) 1 Download
3 Biometric Recognition ( Prof. Anil K Jain, Ph.D, 11 November 2020 ) 2 Download
4 Building AllScenario Intelligence with Intelligent Twins(Joy Huang,11 November 2020) 2 Download
5 AI Computing Platform (Keith Strier, 11 November 2020) 2 Download
6 National AI Strategy (Anna Sawyer, 11 November 2020) 2 Download
7 Unlocking The Potential of AI: from Machine Intelligence Perspective (Bin Ma, 11 November 2020) 2 Download
8 The Strategic Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Support the Excellence of National Competitiveness in the Support of Digital Disruption (Fiki Setiyono, 11 November 2020) 2 Download
9 Implementasi Hasil Riset KA ( Ir. Ashwin Sasongko S, M.Sc, Ph.D, IPU , 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
10 Strategies for Preparing Information Infrastructure for the benefits of Research and Industrial Innovation by utilizing AI Technology and Bigdata Analytics ( Kitman Cheung, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
11 Leveraging AI for Sustainable Smart Cities and Digital Government (Spencer Marley, 12 November 2020) 3 Download
12 AI Development Strategy for Healthcare ( Ethan Tu , 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
13 Dr. Michael Purwoadi ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 1, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
14 Edi Sugianto ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 1, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
15 Rene Indiarto Widjaja ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 1, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
16 Dr. Eng. Imam Machdi M.T ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 1, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
17 Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya S.Si., M.Si ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 1, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
18 Sihmirmo Adi ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 1, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
19 Dr. Indra Utoyo, M.Sc. ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 2, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
20 Prof. Yandra Arkeman ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 2, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
21 Dr. Ir. Taufik Bawazier, M.Si ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 2, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
22 Dr. Yudhistira Nugraha ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 3, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
23 Prof. Suhono Harso Supangkat ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 3, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
24 Ir. Rudy Soeprihadi Prawiradinata ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 3, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
25 Dr. Agus Hs Reksoprodjo ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 3, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
26 Raditya Wibowo ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 3, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
27 drg. Oscar Primadi, MPH ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 4, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
28 Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Wiweko, Sp.OG, MPH ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 4, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
29 Kiwi Aliwarga ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 4, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
30 Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M. Eng ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 4, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
31 Dr. Asril Jarin ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 4, 12 November 2020 ) 3 Download
32 AI Computing, Trends - Challenges – Innovations (Vangel Bojaxhi , 13 November 2020 ) 4 Download
33 Dr. Edmon Makarim, S.Kom., S.H., LL.M ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 5, 13 November 2020 ) 4 Download
34 Hendy Risdianto Wijaya ( Diskusi Panel Sesi 6, 13 November 2020 ) 4 Download
35 Bring All Your Data to Life with Analytics and AI ( Davian Omas, 13 November 2020 ) 4 Download
36 Infrastructure and Data Readiness for AI Technology in Indonesia ( Ririek Adriansyah, 12 November 2020 ) 4 Download
1 Taming The Beast "Efficiently Running AI Workloads in a Data Center ( Edy Sugianto, 12 Agustus 2024 ) 1 Download
2 Data First - Engineering the Foundations of AI-Driven Business Success ( Edo Apriyadi, 12 Agustus 2024 ) 1 Download
3 Blockchain & AI for The Future ( Ery Punta H, 12 Agustus 2024 ) 1 Download
4 AI-Powered Data-Driven Platform to Indentify and React to SDG Challenges ( Joao Pita Costa, 12 Agustus 2024 ) 1 Download
6 AI In Mobile Network Cyber Security Management ( Nizar Fuadi, 12 Agustus 2024 ) 1 Download
7 BENCHMARKING PERKEMBANGAN AI GLOBAL ( Rudi Rusdiah, 12 Agustus 2024 ) 1 Download
9 Building The Foundation for AI in Indonesia: Infrastructure Needs and Strategy ( Bayu Hanantasena, 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
10 Artificial Intelligence Readiness in Indonesia ( Sri Safitri, 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
11 UNESCOʼs AI Readiness Assessment Methodology for Indonesia ( 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
12 AI for Education in ITB ( 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
13 Regional Hub on Big Data and Data Science for Asia and The Pacific in Indonesia( Setia Pramana, 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
14 The Future of Skill in The World of AI ( Panji Wasmana, 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
15 Pengembangan Talenta Digital Untuk Kecerdasan Artifisial ( Hary Budiarto, 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
17 The Road Ahead: Building a Sustainable GovTech Ecosystem ( Muhammad Ghifary, 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
18 Digital Government ( Mochamad Agus Rofiudin, 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
19 Perspective from Nusantara: Planning and Development of the Indonesian Capital as a Smart and Sustainable City ( Yudho Giri Sucahyo, 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
20 KORIKA AI Innovation Summit 2024 ( Nezar Patria, 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
21 Democratizing Artificial Intelligence for All: Unleashing the Power of AI ( M. Fajrin Rasyid, 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
22 Research Center for AI and Cyber Security ( 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
23 Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in Weather & Climate Information Production ( Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
24 Kecerdasan Artifisial untuk Mendorong Optimalisasi Layanan Kesehatan ( Setiaji 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
25 ClimateSmart INDONESIA ( 13 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
26 AI Experience in CENTRAL BANK ( Agung Bayu Purwoko, 14 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
27 Malaria Diagnosis from Thin Blood Smear Microphotograph ( Anto Satriyo Nugroho, 14 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
28 Memanusiakan AI, BUKAN Mekanisasi Manusia ( Daniel NG, 14 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
30 CLIMATE - HEALTH RESILIENCY ( Anas Ma'ruf, 14 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
31 AI in Action Case Studies In Transforming Government Operations ( Iwan Djuniardi, 14 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
32 Synnex Metrodata AI Readiness for Business Future Proof ( Lie Heng, 14 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
33 The Future of AI Regulation ( Maria Singson, 14 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
34 Neo4j Knowledge Graphs for Gen AI ( Muhammad Arif Wicaksana, 14 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
35 LearnXpert Advance Learning & Training Management Systems ( Rafael Ibrahim, 14 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
36 Building Sustainable GovTech Ecosystem ( Rafael Ibrahim, 14 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download
37 Product SeeU ( Rafael Ibrahim, 14 Agustus 2024 ) 2 Download