

Unleashing the Power of
Artificial Intelligence

12 - 14 August 2024

Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran, Indonesia

Official Host

Welcome to AIIS 2024:
Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence

Get ready to be part of an extraordinary gathering of visionaries, pioneers, and innovators at the Artificial Intelligence Innovation Summit (AIIS) 2024. This remarkable event is your gateway to shaping the future through groundbreaking ideas and cutting-edge technologies. Join us for a transformative experience that combines a dynamic conference and an immersive exhibition, showcasing the immense potential of artificial intelligence (AI) across various industries and domains.

Embark on a journey of exploration as we dive into the latest advancements and applications of AI. Engage in captivating discussions, be inspired by keynote presentations, and gain invaluable insights from esteemed thought leaders and researchers who are pushing the boundaries of AI innovation. Unravel the possibilities that lie within this remarkable technology as we delve into its transformative power.

Join us in this forward-thinking summit, where ideas become reality and AI's potential is fully unleashed. Together, we will shape a future where artificial intelligence revolutionizes industries, transforms societies, and propels us towards unprecedented heights.

Founder of KORIKA

Mision Stranas AI

4 Key Missions:
Inspiring Indonesia's Journey in Artificial Intelligence
Gambar 1
Unleashing the Power of Collaboration for a Transformed Nation
Gambar 2
Empowering Exceptional Minds with Character and Competence
Gambar 3
Building an Ecosystem for Data and Infrastructure, Propelling National Progress
Gambar 4
Upholding Ethics and Values for a Harmonious Digital Future

In this remarkable quest, Indonesia pioneers the art of the possible. Let us stand united, inspired by a shared vision of an AI-powered nation, where innovation knows no bounds and dreams become reality. Together, we will redefine what is achievable, leaving an indelible mark on the world as we chart a course towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

Five Priority Sectors

Empowering Indonesia's Five Priority Sectors

Health: Igniting a Revolution in with Artificial Intelligence

In the realm of healthcare, artificial intelligence becomes our beacon of hope, revolutionizing the quality and accessibility of vital services. By leveraging AI's immense power, we unlock new frontiers in disease diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and research. This transformative technology not only breathes life into health-related industries like pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and biotechnology but also ensures that every individual receives the care they deserve. Together, we redefine what it means to heal, harnessing AI to build a healthier and more resilient nation.

Bureaucratic Reform: Unleashing the Potential of AI for a Transformed Public Sector

In the pursuit of bureaucratic reform, artificial intelligence emerges as our greatest ally, empowering us to achieve unparalleled efficiency and effectiveness in public services. Through the integration of AI-driven solutions, we forge a path towards e-government, smart administration, and digital identity. These advancements are not just mere milestones; they signify a profound transformation in governance, transparency, accountability, and innovation. Let us seize this opportunity to reimagine the public sector, creating a future where citizens' needs are met with utmost precision and agility.

Education and Research: Empowering Minds, Enriching Futures with AI

Within the realms of education and research, artificial intelligence reignites the flame of knowledge, propelling us towards unparalleled excellence. With personalized learning, adaptive assessment, curriculum design, and scientific discovery at our fingertips, we embark on a journey of educational enlightenment. As we nurture the minds of tomorrow, we simultaneously cultivate a pool of human resources and talents in the realm of artificial intelligence. Together, let us empower every learner and researcher, unlocking their full potential in a world defined by AI innovation.

Food Security: Cultivating a Resilient Future with AI

In the pursuit of food security, artificial intelligence emerges as our guardian of sustenance, guiding us towards greater productivity and sustainability. By harnessing AI's capabilities, we optimize every aspect of food production, processing, distribution, and consumption. This technology becomes a vital ally in our quest to unlock the secrets of land use, water management, pest control, and food safety. Together, we cultivate a resilient future, ensuring that no one goes hungry in the face of adversity.

Smart Mobility/Smart Cities: Pioneering Urban Transformation through AI

Within the realm of smart cities and mobility, artificial intelligence fuels our quest for vibrant, livable urban areas. With AI as our compass, we revolutionize transportation, traffic management, energy efficiency, waste management, and public safety. By embracing this transformative force, we create smart environments that redefine the very essence of urban living. From smart buildings and homes to intelligent grids, our cities become beacons of innovation and sustainability. Let us seize this moment to shape the cities of tomorrow, where every step forward is a step towards a brighter future.

Indonesia, bound by a shared vision, let us rise together and embrace the power of artificial intelligence. In these five priority sectors, we transcend limits and push boundaries, transforming our nation's trajectory. With passion in our hearts and unwavering determination, we unlock the immense potential of AI, forging a future where innovation knows no bounds. Together, we empower our people, enrich our communities, and leave an indelible mark on the world. The time for action is now; let us embark on this extraordinary journey as one united force.

Market Insight

Artificial Intelligence Market
Market Size in USD Billion
CAGR 31.22%

Source: Mondor Intelligence

Show Features

Hybrid Conference (Virtual & Onsite)
Hybrid Conference
(Virtual & Onsite)
B2B Meeting
B2B Meeting
Business Matching
Business Matching
Live Streaming
Live Streaming
Networking Opportunities
Networking Opportunities
Onsite Delegates
Attending Countries
B2B Meetings
SQM of Area Covered

Theme AIIS 2024:

Democratizing Artificial Intelligence For All

Key areas of focus will include AI for Bureaucratic Reform, Health Services, Education & Research, Food Security, Mobility & Smart Cities, Services & Creative Industry, Financial Industry- Insurance & Investment, as well as AI for Defense. Here are nine potential sub-themes for the conference themed “Democratizing Artificial Inteligence for All”:

Digital Government:
Redefining Bureucratic Refrom with AI

Forecasting Healthy Future:
The AI Revolution for Better Lives in Indonesia

Research and Education:
How is AI Reshaping Education & Research in Indonesia?

Food, Drugs and Agriculture:
Can AI Provide the Key to Sustainable Solution?

Smart Cities and Mobility:
Harnessing the Power of AI

Creative World of AI:
The Power of Generative AI Creative Industries

Financial Industry:
Artificial Intelligence in Banking

Investment and Insurance:
Is AI the Game-Changer the Industry Needs?

AI for Defense:
Safeguarding Indonesia's National Security and Cybersecurity

Event Schedule 2024

*Schedule still tentative and can change anytime

Keynote Speech: Startup Pitching Battle Competition

Aug 12, 2024 on 09.00 AM to 09.30 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Keynote Speech: Powering the Future: AI and the Next Generation of Connectivity

Aug 12, 2024 on 10.30 AM to 11.15 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

Michael Alifen

PT. Dwi Tunggal Putra

Keynote Speech: To Be Announce Soon

Aug 12, 2024 on 11.15 AM to 12.05 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

Denny Basri

PT. Bangunindo Teknusa Jaya

Ishoma Lunch Break and Pray Time

Aug 12, 2024 on 12.00 PM to 01.00 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Keynote Speech: AI-Powered Data-Driven and Bias-Aware Platform for Governments to Identify and React to SDG Challenges

Aug 12, 2024 on 01.00 PM to 01.45 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

Joao Pita Costa, PhD

AI Research Scientist
IRCAI International Research Institute on Artificial Intelligence under the Auspices of UNESCO

Keynote Speech: Taming the Beast: Efficiently Running AI Workloads in the Data Center

Aug 12, 2024 on 01.45 PM to 02.30 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

PT. Dunia Virtual Online Tbk


AI Computing with HPE

Aug 12, 2024 on 02.30 PM to 03.15 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

Hawlett Parkard Enterprise (HPE)


Hackathon Winner Announcement

Aug 12, 2024 on 03.15 PM to 04.00 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Opening by the Master of Ceremonies (MC)

13 August 2024 on 09.00 AM to 09.05 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D

Opening Remarks Welcome Speech Chairman of KORIKA

13 August 2024 on 09.05 AM to 09.15 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D

Speech by

Prof. Dr. Ir. Hammam Riza, M.Sc, IPU


Keynote Speech

13 August 2024 on 09.15 AM to 09.25 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D

Speech by

Rachmat Kaimuddin

Deputy for Infrastructure and Transportation Coordination
Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment

Keynote Speech

13 August 2024 on 09.25 AM to 09.35 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D

Speech by

Raden Pardede

Head of the Assistance Team to the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs

Keynote Speech

13 August 2024 on 09.35 AM to 09.45 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D

Speech by

Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Ph.D

Chairman of the KORIKA Supervisory Board

Keynote Speech

13 August 2024 on 09.45 AM to 10.00 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D

Speech by

Nezar Patria

Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Technology

Platinum Sponsor Telkom / Telkomsel

13 August 2024 on 10.00 AM to 10.30 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D

UNESCO : AI Readiness in Indonesia

13 August 2024 on 10.30 AM to 11.30 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D


Prof. Dr. Ir. Hammam Riza, M.Sc, IPU



Nezar Patria, M.Sc., MBA

Vice Minister of Communication and Informatics
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology

Maki Hayashikawa Katsuno

Director and Representative UNESCO Jakarta
UNESCO Jakarta

Prof. Abdul Haris

Director General of Higher Education
Ministry of Education & Culture in Indonesia

Dr. Sri Safitri

Head of Education Ecosystem
Telkom Indonesia Tbk

MoU Signing with Telkomsel, PJCI, ABDI Announcement of Hackathon Winners

13 August 2024 on 11.30 AM to 12.00 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D

Speech by

Luch Break Tumpeng KORIKA 3rd Anniversary Celebration

13 August 2024 on 12.00 PM to 01.00 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D

Panel Discussion: Digital Government The Road Ahead: Building a Sustainable GovTech Ecosystem

Aug 13, 2024 on 01.00 PM to 01.45 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D


Dr. Muhammad Ghifary

Head of Engineering at GovTech Edu


Prof. Mohamed Ali Berawi

Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation

On Lee

CTO of GDP Venture and CEO & CTO of GDP Labs

Rafael Ibrahim

CEO AJARI Technologies

Mochamad Agus Rofiudin

Advisor to the Minister of Finance
Ministry of Finance

Panel Discussion: Research & Innovation AI in Indonesia: The Current State and its Opportunities

Aug 13, 2024 on 01.45 PM to 02.30 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D


Dr. Andi Eka Sakya



Dr. Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan

Deputy of Climatology at BMKG

Dr. Anto Satriyo Nugroho

The Head of PRKAKS

Setiaji, S.T, M.Si

Chief DTO
Ministry of Health

Dr. Kaushik Sarkar

Director of IMACS

Panel Discussion: AI Talent How to develop AI Talent

Aug 13, 2024 on 02.30 PM to 03.15 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D


Prof. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono

Professor at the Bandung Insitute of Technology


Dr. Hary Budiarto

Head of Human Resources Development Agency
the Ministry of Communication and Information

Seng Meng Koo

AI Singapore

Prof. Setia Pramana

UN Regional Hub For Big Data and Data Science AP

Prof. Ir. Zainal Arifin Hasibuan, M.Sc., Ph.D

Advisory Board

Panel Discussion: AI Infrastructure Building The Foundation For AI in Indonesia: Infrastructure Needs And Strategy

Aug 13, 2024 on 03.15 PM to 04.00 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D


Edi Sugianto



Bayu Hanantasena

President Director

Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Adhiarna, M.Eng

Secretary of the Directorate General of Aptika
Ministry of Communication & Information

Fanky Christian

Secretary General

Firlie H. Ganinduto

Vice Chairman
KADIN for Communication and Informatics

Startup Pitching Battle Competition

Aug 13, 2024 on 04.00 PM to 05.30 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Main Stage, Hall D

Keynote Speech Advancing AI for Citizen Well-being

Aug 14, 2024 on 09.00 AM to 09.45 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

Daniel Ng

FlocCare.Ai & Graphen AI

Keynote Speech

Aug 14, 2024 on 09.45 AM to 10.30 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

Lie Heng

PT. Synnex Metrodata Indonesia

Keynote Speech Elevate Possibilities with AI Technology, Educating and collaborating

Aug 14, 2024 on 10.30 AM to 11.15 AM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

Rafael Ibrahim

AJARI Tecnologies

Expert Talk Climate-Health Resiliency (ClimateSmart Indonesia) National Alliance

Aug 14, 2024 on 11.15 AM to 12.00 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D


Dr. Kaushik Sarkar

Malaria No More


Dr. Anto Satrio Nugroho

The Head of the Research Center for AI and Cyber Security

Dr. Muhammad Yaqub

Mohamed bin Zayed University of AI

Ishoma Lunch Break and Pray Time

Aug 12, 2024 on 12.00 PM to 01.00 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Keynote Speech The Future of AI Regulation: Balancing Innovation with Ethical Considerations: Discuss how to establish ethical frameworks and regulations for AI deployment to mitigate risks and promote responsible development

Aug 14, 2024 on 01.00 PM to 01.45 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

Roy Kosasih

President Director
PT. IBM Indonesia

Keynote Speech AI in Action: Case Studies in Transforming Government Operations: Showcase real-world examples of successful AI implementation across different government departments

Aug 14, 2024 on 01.45 PM to 02.30 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

Iwan Djuniardi

Advisor for Regulations and Tax Law Enforcement
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia

Keynote Speech Neo4j GenerativeAi

Aug 14, 2024 on 02.30 PM to 03.15 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

Dr. Reza Pahlevi

Managing Director

Keynote Speech To Be Announce Soon

Aug 14, 2024 on 03.15 PM to 04.00 PM

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

KORIKA Pavilion, Hall D

Speech by

Microsoft Corporation



Key Industries


Health Services

Education & Research

Food Security

Mobility & Smart Cities

Service Industries

Creative Industries


Industry Assocations



Ecommerce & Retail

Visitor Profiles

Industry Professionals

Consultant & Analysts

Researcher & Academics

Startup & Enterpreneurs

Technology Providers

Industry Assocations

Government Officials

Investors & Venture Capitalist

Policy Makers

Students & Young Professionals

Indonesia Technology & Innovation

Held in Conjunction with :
End-to-End Internet Solutions to Empower Connectivity

The hub for innovations and technology in Southeast Asia, gathering business, industry professionals, buyers, and government bodies to collaborate and foster partnerships. with suppliers and other businesses within internet and telecommunications industries.

The Only Business-To-Business Technology Trade Show In Indonesia

This event is a one stop solution to technology for businesses and enterprises towards empowering the digital economy. This is the place where technology leaders, startups and enterprises come together to present the future of every business and every industry, as it happens.

Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence

Get ready to be part of an extraordinary gathering of visionaries, pioneers, and innovators at the Artificial Intelligence Innovation Summit (AIIS) 2023. This remarkable event is your gateway to shaping the future through groundbreaking ideas and cutting-edge technologies.

Empowering Networks, Enabling Cloud Futures

Indonesia International Data Center & Cloud Summit and Expo, where industry leaders, innovators, and experts gather, to unleash the power of data centers and cloud technologies.

Secure Your Future with Cyber Innovation

The premier event in Indonesia dedicated to the convergence of technology, innovation, and cybersecurity. Representing Indonesia Technology & Innovation, our mission is to foster a secure and innovative digital landscape in Indonesia and beyond.

Empowering Connectivity Through Satellite Technology

As a premier platform, we bring together visionaries, industry leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts to showcase, explore, and celebrate the forefront of technology and innovation.

Robotics and Automation to Foster Innovvation and Opportunities

As the largest B2B Technology & Innovation Event in Indonesia, we take pride in bringing together industry leaders, visionaries, and innovators. Representing Indonesia Technology & Innovation, our mission is to foster a secure and innovative digital landscape in Indonesia and beyond.

Beyond Broadcasting : Empowering The Future of Media

As the largest event of its kind in Indonesia, INTI Broadcasting, Entertainment & Media Expo & Summit is your gateway to the pulse, of the industry. Whether you're a seasoned industry leader, a budding entrepreneur, a tech enthusiast, or simply curious about the latest trends, our event offers something for everyone.

Empowering Indonesia's Technological Future through Smart Office Solutions

Immerse yourself in a world of innovation as we bring together industry leaders, startups, and visionaries to showcase cutting-edge electronic products, share insights through thought-provoking conferences, and foster strategic collaborations.

Empowering The Police Force with Technology and Innovation

With a profound understanding of both technology and law enforcement, we have embarked on a journey to bridge the gap between, these two worlds. Our expertise lies in curating a dynamic platform that unites law enforcement agencies, technology innovators, and industry leaders.

Innovative Solutions for Wellness: Showcasing Cutting-Edge Healthcare Tech

Discover the future of healthcare and wellness at the largest B2B event in Indonesia. Our dynamic event features an extensive exhibition, enlightening conference sessions, and unparalleled networking opportunities, all focused on revolutionizing healthcare and wellness.

Revolutionizing Education Through Tech

The largest B2B event for education in Indonesia, where technology and innovation revolutionize learning. Experience our dynamic exhibition, insightful conferences, and unparalleled networking opportunities.

Elevating Urban Lifestyles with Cutting-edge Domotics Technology

Unleash the future of urban living and smart homes at INTI New Urbanism & Demotics. As the largest B2B event in this space, we bring together visionaries, innovation leaders, and urban design enthusiasts for a transformative experience.

Empowering Startups for Global Impact

INTI Start-up is the largest B2B gathering in the start-up world. Whether you're an entrepreneur, investor, or industry professional, this event is your gateway to innovation, growth, and valuable connections.

Innovation Unleashed: Powering Up Game Animation & E-Sports

Welcome to INTI Game Animation & E-sport Expo - the epicentre of innovation in Indonesia. Join us for the largest B2B event where game animation, e-sports, and healthcare and wellness converge.

Advancing Industry 4.0 Through Sustainable Solutions

Sustainable solutions for the Industrial Revolution 4.0 are key to bringing great opportunities to increase productivity and efficiency. to support sustainable industry in increasing competitiveness in a globalized world for manufacturers and businesses.

Indonesia's Premier Platform for Green Industry

GREEN Industrial Transformation Indonesia 2023 is the most comprehensive green industry trade show in Indonesia, bringing together major brands presenting their innovative solutions and advanced technology for the green industry.

Unveiling the Future of Mobility

INTI Mobility-where the future of mobility industries takes centre stage! Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of innovation, as we bring together the best and brightest minds in the world of mobility.

Drone Solutions for Industrial Competitiveness

An event developed by the community for the industry where drone companies can showcase their products & use cases, industry players learn about cutting edge solutions for competitive advantage, and professionals broaden their network to conduct business and make deals.

Media Partners